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3/3/2022 Gaagige - Mikwendaagoziwag Updates - Press Release

Public Safety and Criminal Justice Reform Finance and Policy Committee

3/3/2022 Gaagige - Mikwendaagoziwag UpdatesPress Release Gaagige-Mikwendaagoziwag Committee Members, Community Partners, City of Duluth, MMIWg2S, MMIWR Families, Testimony: STATE OF MINNESOTA, HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Public Safety and Criminal Justice Reform Finance and Policy Committee
Members of the recently established Gaagige-Mikwendaagoziwag MMIWg2S Reward Fund Committee Community Partners, City of Duluth, Duluth Police Department and MMIWg2S families testify to create and establishing a Statewide Reward Fund and urge Representatives and committee members to support:

MN House File 3055 (2022) A bill for an act relating to public safety; establishing a  reward fund for information on missing and murdered Indigenous relatives. As an account in the state treasury. Money appropriated or otherwise deposited into the account is available to pay rewards to any person who provides relevant information relating to a missing and murdered Indigenous relative investigation.

Introduced by State Representatives sponsored by Minnesota Representatives Jamie Becker-Finn and Heather Edelson
MN House Public Safety and Criminal Justice Reform Finance and Policy Committee - Thursday, March 3, 2022, 1:00 PM, Remote Hearing The full bill can be found here

Written and Virtual TestimonyProvided by:
Gaagige-Mikwendaagoziwag committee members,
Community partners, City of Duluth, Duluth Police Department along with MMIWg2S families Mary Lyons, Sharon Day and Advocates speaking on behalf of Missing Sheila St. Clair from Duluth MN

Testimony  includes direct quotes: 
“The Gaagige-Mikwendaagoziwag Reward Fund bolsters the City’s commitment to ending the MMIWg2S epidemic by filling an important gap to address injustices and promote healing in our region. This reward money doesn’t bring people back, but it lets people know that there is value in them opening up, to come forward, and share information that is probably terrifying and scary and something that they don’t want to revisit. The money doesn’t pay them off. The money doesn’t make their emotional wellbeing whole, but is a recognition that there is tremendous value in helping solve a crime and bring Indigenous women, girls, and two spirit peoples back home. The City of Duluth thanks you for considering HF 3055, a Reward Fund for Information on Missing and Murdered Indigenous Relatives.We strongly support HF 3055 and the proposed coding for new law in Minnesota Statues, Chapter 299A, which includes the appropriation of monies to the Commissioner of Public Safety to implement and sustain this reward” fund.” - City of Duluth Mayor Emily Larson

In August of 2015, Sheila St Clair went missing from Duluth, MN. Last seen in the 100 block of West 3rd Street, she is still being sought by her family, friends, and relatives. This is an open case with the Duluth Police Department. The investigation continues, but over 6 years later, Sheila St Clair has not been found.

“Thank You everyone for your support and hard work – I'm truly grateful, it means a lot to our family. …"its is not just about my mom but many missing and many families with lost and missing loved ones too…”-Stephanie St. Clair – Sheila St. Clair’s daughter

“Gaagige-Mikwendaagoziwag reward fund is the first of its kind in the state of Minnesota established in Duluth 1/10/2022. It is a collaborative effort between the city of Duluth, grassroots advocates with MMIWg2S families, and community non-profit organizations, Native Lives Matter Coalition and Mending the Sacred Hoop. An Indigenous led community response to the MMIWg2S epidemic which serves as an inspiration and model for others. Gaagige-Mikwendaagoziwag anticipates and encourages the growth of the program to include relatives, BIPOC, multiple jurisdictions, tribal and state level legislation. “- Rene Ann Goodrich, Native Lives Matter Coalition

Supporting the important work of the house committee, families and advocates . "Please share her name “Catherine Louise Lyons" sister of Mary Lyons Great-grandmother, Ojibwe Elder/Knowledge Holder/Wisdom Keeper

“We know that in Duluth our Indigenous communities are six times more likely to be victims of crime.  We know that that’s not just a trend in Duluth, that’s a trend that is not only across our state, but nationwide,” Tusken said. “This bill will be incredibly helpful for us to have the resources to use to bring people forward who may be scared – who maybe need a little influence to come forward and share their information.” Duluth Police Department Chief Mike Tusken

Alicia Kozlowski, the Community Relations Officer in Duluth, cited the unfortunate number of cases that are being adequately tracked. “A recent study by the Urban Indian Health Institute revealed that only 116 of the 5,712 MMIW cases were logged into the Department of Justice’s nationwide database,” Kozlowski explained. “Seventy percent of those were declined due to lack of evidence.  We know that the statistics are difficult and staggering, [but] these aren’t just statistics we’ve heard. These are our moms, aunties, sisters, cousins, [and] your neighbors. The intention is that the establishment of this fund (Gaagige-Mikwendaagoziwag) will encourage tips and information for the whereabouts of our missing relatives while also providing monetary support if and when it is needed to families as they overcome myriad obstacles following the disappearance of their loved ones. It also shows the citizens of Duluth that we, as a city, a community, are here and we are working together to create change and bring healing to all members of our area.” Alicia Kozlowski

“Building on the Indigenous led community response model, MMIWg2S families, their advocacy, and Indigenous communities are empowered and honored by the support of our state representatives in establishing the HF 3055 statewide reward fund. Inspired by the open Missing case of Sheila St. Clair for the purpose of gathering information to help solve violent crimes, find missing relatives, and bring them home. Establishing a statewide reward fund would not only acknowledge but also expand the commitment to addressing the epidemic to include all indigenous people. We all strongly support HF 3055 to establish a statewide reward fund for information on missing and murdered Indigenous relatives in Minnesota.” - Rene Ann Goodrich, Director, Native Lives Matter Coalition

Creating a similar fund at the state level is exactly what Minnesota needs to bring support, healing, justice, and closure to our Indigenous relatives.” - Katy Eagle, Executive Director, Mending the Sacred Hoop

“Indigenous Peoples Circle shared about her lost loved ones ... and the need to establish this important statewide reward fund ...
I support HF 3055 because it will be one more tool to help families bring our loved ones home'' Sharon Day

HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES NINETY-SECOND SESSION Public Safety and Criminal Justice Reform Finance and Policy Committee - Thursday, March 3, 2022 - 1:00 PM

HF3055 (Becker-Finn) Missing and murdered Indigenous relatives information reward fund established, and money appropriated. Virtual Testimony
Rene Ann Goodrich, Native Lives Matter Coalition MMIWR Family Advocate
Sharon Day, Indigenous Peoples Task Force
Alicia Kozlowski, Community Relations Officer, Duluth Duluth Police Department Chief Mike Tusken Testimony Supported by: Lyons Great-grandmother, Ojibwe Elder/Knowledge Holder Written Testimony: Gaagige-Mikwendaagoziwag Committee, Community Partners City of Duluth Mayor Emily Larson
Alicia Kozlowski, Community Relations Officer, Duluth Rene Ann Goodrich, Native Lives Matter Coalition Stephanie St. Clair – Sheila St. Clair’s daughter Katy Eagle, Executive Director, Mending the Sacred Hoop Duluth Police Department Chief Mike Tusken
Written Testimony Link:
Video -

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